Come join our team of young professionals!
To apply for a position or for more information about a position, please email info@seethelord.org.

Digital Media Intern
Digital Media Team
Work in conjunction with or assist the Digital Media Manager on graphics and collateral for mission trips, events, and fundraisers. Depending on experience, this may include social media posts, digital or print flyers, annual reports, graphics for website, or photography on mission trips.
Collaborate with various teams as needed.
Experience with Canva is a plus.
Experience with Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) is a plus
Graphic Design/Digital Art student is a plus.

Fundraising/Grant Writing Manager
Plan and execute development and fundraising initiatives in order to achieve both short-term and long-term goals
Assist with fundraising campaigns both through GoFundMe and through organizing parish events
Prepare, monitor, and report annual fundraising plans, budgets, and revenue forecasts
Develop and supervise an annual solicitation campaign
Execute plans to achieve significant revenue goals and income diversification
Perform tasks consistent with STL’s mission and stay abreast of philanthropic, healthcare, social, religious, and educational fundraising trends
Oversee and delegate tasks to staff members and interns, collaborate with various teams as needed
Work in conjunction with the VP of Development

Accounting Manager
Accounting/bookkeeping of all income and expenses for STL
Accounting/bookkeeping for all missions trips/projects for STL
Abide by the conditions set forth by STL’s bylaws and core set of values
Collaborate with various teams as needed
Work in conjunction with the VP of Finance

Donor Relations Manager
Organize and perform mass mailings to volunteers, donors, and partners
Collaborate with marketing, public relations, and fundraising activities
Assist with various social media outlets
Work in conjunction with the VP of Finance

Communications Manager
Aid in the streamlining of administrative processes for higher efficiency and efficacy through various means, including revising and creating systems and procedures for operating practices, record keeping, and communications
Organize, store, manage, and distribute information and files within the organization
Draft letters of communication for past and future volunteers, including on boarding Welcome Letters for volunteer staff
Oversee the gathering of feedback from volunteers after mission trips and the compilation of volunteer testimonials to add to STL website
Maintain and organize updated listservs of current staff volunteers, past mission trip volunteers, and contact information (i.e.: e-mails, phone numbers) for easy access and quick distribution of communication from organization
Schedule, assign, and follow-up on various projects of staff and volunteers
Work in conjunction with the VP of Communications with incoming and outgoing correspondence throughout organization

Human Resources Manager
Develop and manage human resources and recruiting activities
Implement and maintain policies with respect to the organization’s various modes of operation, especially to be in accordance with U.S. federal and state laws/regulations
Collaborate with various teams as needed
Assist in translation of documents
Work in conjunction with the VP of Development

Events Manager
Organize, plan, and implement annual summer retreat, annual general meeting, and social events for staff, past volunteers, and future volunteers
Coordinate logistics of annual summer retreat with Catechesis Manager including but not limited to arranging theme and event ideas, communicating with staff and volunteers surrounding event, and garnering interest and facilitating sign-ups.
Foster fellowship and team building through above activities and events
Work with finance team to manage and adhere to approved budgets
Collaborate with various teams as needed.
Work in conjunction with the VP of Development